Let’s Talk: Tropical Cold Brew


There’s no better time for cold brew than summer time! Our Costa Rica Tarrazu is the perfect coffee to make your tropical island dreams come true! Its fruit-forward notes combine wonderfully with coconut milk to create a beverage that is refreshing, even on the hottest summer day.

Here is how to make it:

150g Cold brew (Costa Rica Tarrazu)

1 Tbsp Ginger cardamon syrup

2 Tbsp Coconut milk

See more in-depth steps for the cold brew and syrup below!

Cold Brew:

1:10 ratio of coffee to water (example: 100g coffee, 1000g water). Coffee grind should be coarse.

Steep for 18 hours at room temperature.

Strain and store the cold brew in an airtight container for up to 2 weeks.

Ginger cardamon syrup:

1 cup Water

1 cup Granulated sugar

2 inch Ginger

1 Tbsp whole cardamon pods

Start by making a simple syrup by combining the water and sugar in a pot. Heat on the stove at low/medium heat until sugar is dissolved. You may need to stir occasionally for a couple of minutes. Once sugar is dissolved, remove the pot from the heat.

Remove the outer layer of the ginger and slice into thinner pieces.

Smash the whole cardamon pods.

Add the sliced ginger and smashed cardamon pods to the pot of simple syrup and let it sit for 1-2 hours.

After infusing for 1-2 hours, remove the ginger and cardamon pods from the syrup and store the syrup in an air tight container.


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